These pics are from May 28th - Spring stuff to eat! The strawberries are Ozark Beauty. It's a great variety, but with all the pouring rain we had, they were a bit watered down... Strawberries like everything *just right* to be their best..
Broccoli and Oregon Sugar Pod peas. Sugar snap peas, our favorites, are so persnickity that I went with a different kind this year - and wow are they productive. It was nice that they were only about 2 foot high at max and just draped over a tiny garden fence instead of requiring real trellis.
Nice group portrait! You know you love your garden when you photograph your food!
Pak Choi (Joy Choi is the variety) grew so fast a lot of it went to the chickens b/c we couldn't eat it fast enough. I'll have to work out a more gradual planting on this. It was SO much faster than traditional cabbage and delicious in stir fry.
A little tribute to the garden on my way off to work...
13 June 2008
Good Eatin At Larrapin This Week!
10 June 2008
The Best Post I've Seen in a Long Time!
The box turtle above had the portrait taken under the White Oaks. I love box turtles and welcome their visiting and residence on the property. Thought I'd share his/her snapshot...but the real purpose of this post is below.
I love traveling the world via garden blogs. Today I stopped by Our Little Corner of Paradise (a favorite of mine). It's a wildlife garden in Scotland and there I found this amazing 23rd Psalm for Busy People. Give yourself a treat and visit this post.
08 June 2008
Post Garden-Tour Recovery!
Whew!! I was one tired gardener after weeks of prep for a charity garden tour that took place June 7th. The Omni Center for Peace, Justice and Ecology has a fundraiser every year that features gardens in the Peace Garden Network. It's a fun day and we had upwards of 50 visitors over the day. Many were our old friends who came to hang out and socialize -- what a great day!
However, most other projects in my life were on hold during these weeks, as you can tell from the lack of posts on my part! So I'm back again to share glimpses of Larrapin Garden over the summer season, which is just getting started. We've had so much rain -- I think we're nearly 20 inches ahead of normal rainfall for the year -- that everything is lush, green and happy. A beautiful time to be out in the beauty!