26 November 2007

Four Guineas in November

If there's one thing guineas hate (yet don't stand and yell about as they do everything else that irks them..) It's cold, rainy weather! So they've taken to perching on the gate like a bunch of guinea-buzzards. Here are four of the six we have left from our first experience with raising them from day old keets. What an adventure THAT was.

We have guineas for their tick-eating and snake-discouraging behavior. The tick-eating is what makes them popular. They tend to run off snakes just because guineas are LOUD and will stand in a group and yell at any interloper into their territory -- snakes, garden hoses, blowing leaves, etc.

As for their temperament, well thanks another story to come...

25 November 2007

Returning to Larrapin

It's been a long time since I added a post. My Grandmother, who raised me, passed away after an illness back in mid-September. It's been a whirlwind since then. The garden has languished as I've been focused on other things.

But I'm back on track with Larrapin Garden. My Grandmother, if she were still on the phone asking about my garden and giving growing tips, would have it no other way.

The photo above is of a bird's nest revealed when the leaves of the river birch dropped during our late, late autumn. The nest is extra special to me because I planted the river birches on the front bank outside our house the first Autumn we arrived here two years ago. To find the first bird's nest in a tree you planted with your own hands -- what a gift!

More soon...